Understanding Backgrounds

Connecting People

Rethinking Work

You want to increase participation in your team?

You want to mobilize the full potential of diversity including cultural diversity?

You want to proactively manage changes in your  organization?

For more than fifteen years we have developed custom-made training concepts for intercultural cooperation and participation drawing on methods including New Work, Facilitating, Agile Organizational Development and Design Thinking.

Knowledge-based, focused on practical needs, innovative.


Intercultural Competence and Diversity

Unterstanding backgrounds,
using opportunities


Participative Leadership and New Work

Mobilizing potential,
shaping the future


Moderation and Large Group Formats

Panel Discussions, Expert Talks,
Open Space, Future Search Conferences




Benelux: Politik, Alltag, Kultur und Geschichte. Porträt einer Region.
Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin 2017.

“Clearly structured and easy to read. The most important facts about the three countries are aptly summed up in this book.”
Fabian Thimm, INTERREG-Manager der Region Aachen

Beruflich in den Niederlanden. Trainingsprogramm für Manager, Fach- und Führungskräfte.
Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen 2008 [zus. mit B. U. Schlizio und A. Thomas].

“Convincing solutions“
Tanja Holzhey, Kommunikationsabteilung MEE

Zwischen Pommes und Praline.
Mentalitätsunterschiede, Verhandlungs- und Gesprächskultur in den Niederlanden, Belgien, Luxemburg und NRW. Agenda-Verlag, Münster 2003.

“Well founded, but with none of the usual technical mumbo-jumbo.“
Thomas Claassen, Rheinische Post

Andere Länder, andere Sitten. Unternehmenskulturen in West-, Mittel- und Osteuropa.
Booklet für Vestas Central Europe, 2010.

“Short and to the point, here is exactly what you need in everyday work!”
Birgit Kox, Vestas